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Blood Donors MT

4.6 ( 6576 ratings )
Health & Fitness
Developer: Malta Information Technology Agency

The Blood Donors MT Mobile Application is aimed to facilitate the communications between the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) of Malta and the general public. More specifically, the Blood Donors MT Mobile Application provides:

a) News Notifications from NBTS;
b) Events Schedule;
c) Blood Journal;
d) General Information about blood and NBTS.

The Blood Donors MT Mobile Application provides the facility to record your personal blood donations – the inputted data will be stored on the device itself, meaning that no data is shared and/or stored outside your device. The app provides the functionality to send your inputted donation data (journal) via email – hence providing a backup mechanism of such information, should the device be reset or changed.


Il-mobile app Blood Donors MT hi mmirata biex tiffaċilita l-komunikazzjoni bejn is-Servizz Nazzjonali għat-Trasfużjoni tad-Demm (NBTS) ta Malta u l-pubbliku ġenerali. B’mod aktar speċifiku, il-mobile app Blood Donors MT tipprovdi:

a) Aħbarijiet mill-NBTS;
b) Skeda tal-avvenimenti;
ċ) Ġurnal tad-Demm;
d) Informazzjoni ġenerali dwar id-demm u l-NBTS.

Il-mobile app Blood Donors MT tipprovdilek il-faċilità li tirreġistra l-għotjiet tad-demm personali tiegħek – l-informazzjoni mdaħħla tiġi maħżuna fuq l-apparat stess, li jfisser li ebda informazzjoni ma tiġi maqsuma u/jew maħżuna barra mill-apparat tiegħek. L-app tipprovdilek il-funzjoni li tibgħat l-informazzjoni dwar id-donazzjoni li tkun daħħalt (ġurnal) permezz tal-imejl – b’hekk tipprovdi mekkaniżmu ta’ riżerva (backup) għal din l-informazzjoni, fil-każ li l-apparat jiġi ssettjat mill-ġdid jew jinbidel.